This morning we said goodbye to Dan once again for a 6 month deployment. These goodbyes never get easier. I swore I was going to remain strong for the children, but as we are approaching the base a little after 6am I can feel the tears gently rolling down my cheeks and the knot in my stomach slowly rising up. Dan reaches over and clasps my hand to comfort me. I just keep looking forward as we approach the pier; I am afraid that if I make eye contact that I will burst into tears. I smile at the sound of Kaitlyn's giggles and chattering. I wipe the tears away and take a deep breath then get Kaitlyn out of her car seat so Dan can hold her once before heading to the ship. She is full of squeals and giggles which puts smiles on both our faces. We all exchange hugs and kisses before watching Dan disappear into the sheet of mist and fog on the dark pier.
We kept with our tradition after dropping Dan off for underways and had breakfast at McDonalds. Kaitlyn and Alex were in great moods and chowed down as they bounced and swayed to the unusually loud music. This helped break up my somber mood. We left McDonalds for a play date with one of Alex's friends. This was probably the best medicine for both of us; it took our minds off of his departure.
Dan was able to call this evening during the children's story time; both of them were super excited! Alex wanted to know when he was coming home and if we could stay the night on the ship; I don't think he quite comprehends everything yet. As we talk I find myself tearing up again. I try to wipe them away before Alex turns and sees them, but he turned around too quickly. Alex says "what's wrong Mommy?", I say "Mommy just misses Daddy", Alex says "it's alright Mommy" and he gives me a big kiss on the cheek. He is such a sweet little boy!
I know in the next few days things will get easier and we will get in a routine, but there will always be an empty void till he returns. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder; I guess this is true because it makes you realize all the things you love, appreciate, and cherish about them. It makes you realize all the little things you take for granted.
Sweetheart, I wish you and all aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln a safe and successful voyage! Come home quickly! We love you and miss you!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Time to catch up
Wow; I can't believe it has been so long since the last time I updated this blog! So much has happened, so I will just start with events that have happened since January.
The baby was getting so big and things were getting busy between doctors visits, and getting things ready for the baby. Now that I had finally finished Alex's train table, it was time to get busy making all of Kaitlyn's nursery bedding and decor. The theme is Damask meets Elephants. The elephant is a symbol of good luck and fortune, wisdom, strength, and longevity. So when I found these coordinating fabrics of pink and brown, one of which had elephants on it, I knew it was the right collection for her nursery.
January was the start of my weekly non stress tests in addition to my monthly ultrasounds and bi weekly doctors appointments. With the complications that I had during Alex's delivery, my doctor was concerned with her growth and wanted to make sure that as she got bigger that her blood supply wasn't compromised causing her to suddenly stop growing. Every Friday I would have between 1 and 4 doctors appointments; I was so thankful that we had Alex in school so that I could go to these appointments by myself!
She was measuring nearly 4 weeks ahead of schedule (so much for the thought that her blood supply would be compromised and would be small, lol), so I told my friend that we better get those maternity pics before I look like a house. A good friend of mine, Jennifer Likes, had offered to take these pics for me; she took our family pictures last summer as well. She did an awesome job!
February was a rough month! I was missing Dan terribly and was wanting him home to be with me during this last month! Valentines Day was uneventful; I don't think we have been able to spend this holiday together since before Alex was born since he was always deployed, or on a business trip. Several of the military spouses threw a baby shower for me and that really helped me get excited about this little girl's arrival. Not that I wasn't excited to see this little girl growing inside me, but it is difficult when you are raising a toddler, working full time, and your body is exhausted from a pregnancy while your other half is deployed through the entire pregnancy. The shower was a chance for me to forget about everything else and share my excitement over her arrival with a bunch of other lovely ladies. We got lots of adorable little girl's clothes, blankets, toys, and accessories to shower our little girl with.
Two days after the shower, Alex came down with a cold which I caught as well! I had done so well through this pregnancy at not picking up any germs (especially considering I have a toddler in daycare) and it had to hit me now! This cold progressed and after a week it had developed into an ear infection, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, and a subsequent pink eye. All of this on top of Braxton Hicks contractions that were progressively getting stronger as I got closer to the due date. I had this fear that I would deliver early and have to have a mask on in fear of spreading it to my baby. My Mother was not due for several more days but after hearing me on the phone, she insisted on flying here early. I am so thankful that she did come early; I was losing strength and my emotions were causing me to fall apart. Having her there gave me a chance to rest and gain my strength back.
Two days after my Mom arrived, Friday May 4th, my contractions began to pick up again. I had my regular doctors appointment when the doctor said that I was already 4cm dilated. I was beginning to freak out; Dan wasn't due back for another week and I was only 37 weeks! I desperately wanted him to be there for the delivery. The doctor told me to prepare for an early delivery and I began my maternity leave that day.
My contractions started up again that evening after they had progressed to 5 minutes apart. We dropped Alex off at a friend's house and headed to the hospital. After several hours and the contractions subsiding, we headed home to get some sleep. I continued to get these contractions on and off through the weekend; usually starting in the early evening and lasting through the early morning hours. I was beginning to feel like they would continue through the week and Dan just might make it back for her arrival.
I woke up in the early morning hours on Tuesday, May 8th with contractions again, but these contractions felt different. Since they were only 30 minutes apart, I put then out of mind and continued to try to sleep. My Mom helped get Alex off to school that morning. My contractions had continued into the morning and I would just walk them off till around 11 when they had progressed to 10 minutes but were becoming very painful to walk them off. We decided to head to the hospital. By the time we made the 20min drive to the hospital checked in, and admitted me (1 hour), I was 2 minutes apart and 6cm dilated. The contractions were so close and I was still so tired from the cold that I was still recovering from, that I decided to get an epidural. I was tired of being Superwoman! The epidural slowed things down considerably and allowed me to relax and enjoy the delivery. I had finally accepted and come to terms with the fact that Dan would not be making it back in time for this delivery. I was comforted by the fact that I had my Mom, and two other wives there to help me through this delivery.
The contractions picked up considerably around 4pm. I was able to speak to Dan several times on the phone and I was sending him updates every hour. I know he felt helpless being so far away and unable to help me through this, but was comforted that things were progressing without complications as we had with Alex and that I had so much support with me at the hospital. By 6:00pm I was fully dilated but not completely effaced so my water was broken which helped get me the rest of the way and by 6:30pm I was pushing. At 6:56pm on Tuesday, March 8th 2011 a 9lb 1oz baby girl, names Kaitlyn Lucia (lu-see-a) Walford was welcomed into this world. My Mom was given the honors of cutting the umbilical cord. I now have this beautiful healthy baby girl in my arms, but there is still someone missing. We would have to wait till Friday to welcome Dan back.
I found out Thursday about the news of a tsunami that was expected to hit Hawaii; Hawaii!!! where Dan is waiting for his flight out to come back home!!! We spent Friday preparing the welcome home signs and checking the news as well as calling him to find out the latest information. By 10am, we had learned that his flight would be delayed by 8hrs; we were bummed that our highly anticipated reunion was going to be delayed. As the day went on the 4pm arrival became 12am which eventually turned into 2am.
I decided to put Alex to bed at his normal bed time, how he fell asleep with so much excitement I have no idea, and then woke him up at midnight to leave for the airport. When I woke him up he was giggling and jumping with excitement. We got into the airport with signs prepared and Alex dressed in his flight suit (just like Daddy's). Every tall slender caucasian male that walked by, he would exclaim "that's my Daddy" and would giggle uncontrollably and each time I would have to tell him "no that's not Daddy." Finally, I saw him walk through the gate, Alex began running towards him giggling, tears were rolling down my face, and my Mom was trying to capture everything on camera. After we all hugged and kissed, I turned to get our baby girl out of the stroller so he could hold her for the first time. Finally, our family was back together again!
The baby was getting so big and things were getting busy between doctors visits, and getting things ready for the baby. Now that I had finally finished Alex's train table, it was time to get busy making all of Kaitlyn's nursery bedding and decor. The theme is Damask meets Elephants. The elephant is a symbol of good luck and fortune, wisdom, strength, and longevity. So when I found these coordinating fabrics of pink and brown, one of which had elephants on it, I knew it was the right collection for her nursery.
January was the start of my weekly non stress tests in addition to my monthly ultrasounds and bi weekly doctors appointments. With the complications that I had during Alex's delivery, my doctor was concerned with her growth and wanted to make sure that as she got bigger that her blood supply wasn't compromised causing her to suddenly stop growing. Every Friday I would have between 1 and 4 doctors appointments; I was so thankful that we had Alex in school so that I could go to these appointments by myself!
She was measuring nearly 4 weeks ahead of schedule (so much for the thought that her blood supply would be compromised and would be small, lol), so I told my friend that we better get those maternity pics before I look like a house. A good friend of mine, Jennifer Likes, had offered to take these pics for me; she took our family pictures last summer as well. She did an awesome job!
February was a rough month! I was missing Dan terribly and was wanting him home to be with me during this last month! Valentines Day was uneventful; I don't think we have been able to spend this holiday together since before Alex was born since he was always deployed, or on a business trip. Several of the military spouses threw a baby shower for me and that really helped me get excited about this little girl's arrival. Not that I wasn't excited to see this little girl growing inside me, but it is difficult when you are raising a toddler, working full time, and your body is exhausted from a pregnancy while your other half is deployed through the entire pregnancy. The shower was a chance for me to forget about everything else and share my excitement over her arrival with a bunch of other lovely ladies. We got lots of adorable little girl's clothes, blankets, toys, and accessories to shower our little girl with.
Two days after the shower, Alex came down with a cold which I caught as well! I had done so well through this pregnancy at not picking up any germs (especially considering I have a toddler in daycare) and it had to hit me now! This cold progressed and after a week it had developed into an ear infection, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, and a subsequent pink eye. All of this on top of Braxton Hicks contractions that were progressively getting stronger as I got closer to the due date. I had this fear that I would deliver early and have to have a mask on in fear of spreading it to my baby. My Mother was not due for several more days but after hearing me on the phone, she insisted on flying here early. I am so thankful that she did come early; I was losing strength and my emotions were causing me to fall apart. Having her there gave me a chance to rest and gain my strength back.
Two days after my Mom arrived, Friday May 4th, my contractions began to pick up again. I had my regular doctors appointment when the doctor said that I was already 4cm dilated. I was beginning to freak out; Dan wasn't due back for another week and I was only 37 weeks! I desperately wanted him to be there for the delivery. The doctor told me to prepare for an early delivery and I began my maternity leave that day.
My contractions started up again that evening after they had progressed to 5 minutes apart. We dropped Alex off at a friend's house and headed to the hospital. After several hours and the contractions subsiding, we headed home to get some sleep. I continued to get these contractions on and off through the weekend; usually starting in the early evening and lasting through the early morning hours. I was beginning to feel like they would continue through the week and Dan just might make it back for her arrival.
I woke up in the early morning hours on Tuesday, May 8th with contractions again, but these contractions felt different. Since they were only 30 minutes apart, I put then out of mind and continued to try to sleep. My Mom helped get Alex off to school that morning. My contractions had continued into the morning and I would just walk them off till around 11 when they had progressed to 10 minutes but were becoming very painful to walk them off. We decided to head to the hospital. By the time we made the 20min drive to the hospital checked in, and admitted me (1 hour), I was 2 minutes apart and 6cm dilated. The contractions were so close and I was still so tired from the cold that I was still recovering from, that I decided to get an epidural. I was tired of being Superwoman! The epidural slowed things down considerably and allowed me to relax and enjoy the delivery. I had finally accepted and come to terms with the fact that Dan would not be making it back in time for this delivery. I was comforted by the fact that I had my Mom, and two other wives there to help me through this delivery.
The contractions picked up considerably around 4pm. I was able to speak to Dan several times on the phone and I was sending him updates every hour. I know he felt helpless being so far away and unable to help me through this, but was comforted that things were progressing without complications as we had with Alex and that I had so much support with me at the hospital. By 6:00pm I was fully dilated but not completely effaced so my water was broken which helped get me the rest of the way and by 6:30pm I was pushing. At 6:56pm on Tuesday, March 8th 2011 a 9lb 1oz baby girl, names Kaitlyn Lucia (lu-see-a) Walford was welcomed into this world. My Mom was given the honors of cutting the umbilical cord. I now have this beautiful healthy baby girl in my arms, but there is still someone missing. We would have to wait till Friday to welcome Dan back.
I found out Thursday about the news of a tsunami that was expected to hit Hawaii; Hawaii!!! where Dan is waiting for his flight out to come back home!!! We spent Friday preparing the welcome home signs and checking the news as well as calling him to find out the latest information. By 10am, we had learned that his flight would be delayed by 8hrs; we were bummed that our highly anticipated reunion was going to be delayed. As the day went on the 4pm arrival became 12am which eventually turned into 2am.
I decided to put Alex to bed at his normal bed time, how he fell asleep with so much excitement I have no idea, and then woke him up at midnight to leave for the airport. When I woke him up he was giggling and jumping with excitement. We got into the airport with signs prepared and Alex dressed in his flight suit (just like Daddy's). Every tall slender caucasian male that walked by, he would exclaim "that's my Daddy" and would giggle uncontrollably and each time I would have to tell him "no that's not Daddy." Finally, I saw him walk through the gate, Alex began running towards him giggling, tears were rolling down my face, and my Mom was trying to capture everything on camera. After we all hugged and kissed, I turned to get our baby girl out of the stroller so he could hold her for the first time. Finally, our family was back together again!
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