Friday, October 8, 2010

17 weeks

Today was my 17 week OB appointment.  I was so excited to hear the baby's heartbeat and to review my "plan" for the rest of the pregnancy.  Because of the complications during Alex's delivery, one of the midwives was a bit apprehensive about seeing me and thought that I may need to switch to the maternal and fetal medicine clinic, the high risk clinic.  I was told at my last appointment that my case would be discussed and then a plan for the remainder of my pregnancy would be determined.

It was determined that the risks were not as high as initially thought by one of the midwives and that a more thorough schedule would be set up, which would include two additional ultrasounds and fetal stress monitoring every 4 weeks during my third trimester.  They want to make sure that as the baby grows that there is no stress on the blood supply.  This is more just a measure of reassurance for them since the complications I experienced with Alex were so rare, that they don't have many cases to go by.  After our conversation, I felt reassured and confident that this little baby would receive the best of care and only pray that she/he is born full term and without complications.

I got to hear the heartbeat next.  This was music to my ears and I am finally beginning to feel like this pregnancy is real and that the upset we had earlier this year is just a distant memory.  We scheduled my next ultrasound, the one we get to find out the sex of the baby, for October 22nd!  I am so excited to find out what "little boo" is, so that I can start to decorate the nursery.  I have high hopes that it is a little girl!

I have been feeling her move a lot more today.  It makes me remember the first time I felt Alex; I was 19 weeks and we were driving home from a day trip to Gettysburg when I started feeling these little flutters.  This one is a little different in that I did not feel the flutters, but more of a popping feeling (like little kicks deep inside).

After my appt. I had a lot of errands to run and one was to purchase a booster seat for my little guy whom has decided he is too big for a highchair.  He truly amazes me each and every day with how much he has grown physically and mentally in the last few months; I can't believe he is just 25 months old.  He no longer speaks in grunts and one or two word sentences, but in 4 plus word sentences and he pronounces them so clearly.  Our rides in the car used to sound like "ugh, truck" and now they sound like "look at that Mamma, it's a big truck".  He can now sing the ABC's and can count to ten in spanish and english, but he seems to be better in spanish.

When we got home for dinner, I showed him his new chair and he was absolutely ecstatic.  He had been just sitting in the regular chair, when he refused the highchair, and was having a hard time reaching his plate.  He liked it even more when I pulled out my camera and asked him to pose for Daddy.

Dan, he is waving at you.


"Arrrgghhhmm" is his new sound when eating.  
He sounds like a caveman ripping into his food.  

Dan, we miss you and love you so much!

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