Sunday, November 14, 2010


Well it has been a while since I last posted anything.  Things have been busy since Halloween weekend, which started off with Alex getting congested and me feeling under the weather.  I thought we might end up missing out on the festivities, but after spending the day vegging around the house, we felt well enough to go trick or treating.  This was Alex's first year to go trick or treating.  Last year he was just learning to walk, he was a late walker at 14 months, and it was raining.

After a few houses he began to really get into the whole concept of dressing up and going door to door and getting candy.  He is still not crazy about all the scary decor and was in awe at some of the costumes.  He had a fun time!

Look Dadda, I have candy!

We spent about an hour going door to door before returning home and handing out candy at our house.  Alex had almost half a bucket of candy, which was more than he could eat in a years time.  As I was handing out candy to the trick or treaters he began to panic that I was handing out his own candy.  I quickly showed him his bucket was far from reach in the kitchen and he settled down.  He must have had at least 4 pieces of candy that night; he was soo excited since we do not normally give him candy.  When he wasn't looking I raided his bucket for the candy I do not want him to have and added it to the bucket of candy I was handing out.  Stuff like nerds, taffy, caramels, sour heads, etc he is not capable of eating yet without them posing a chocking hazard.  I am sure he is fine with that so long as he gets to keep the chocolate candy and M&Ms.

The following weekend had a rocky start and had its ups and downs.  Thursday night, Alex got sick at dinner time.  Let's just say we both needed a warm shower afterwards and my carpet required steam cleaning.  I was fearful that he had a stomach virus and that I would miss my dr's appointment the following morning, but things did not seem to progress and he finished the night off eating about two dozen saltines.  The next morning he was feeling great and I went to my 21 week OB appointment.  Everything checked out great.  She is measuring spot on, has a great heartbeat, and is very active.

Saturday morning started off great.  We had a SOALA function to go to later that morning and Alex helped me get pancakes made while I was finishing up some Monkey bread to take with us.  He had so much fun pouring in the ingredients and mixing.  We headed out to the meeting, when I realized half way there that the meeting was a 1/2 hour later than I thought.  No worries, Dan called my cell phone that very moment and I pulled off into a parking lot to take the call.  Alex talked to Dan for a good while; this was surprising because he is just not at the age where he will talk on the phone for long.  After arriving at the meeting he began to get very clingy and would not socialize with the other children; unusual for him as well.  As the meeting got started, he climbed into my lap and fell asleep (very unusual as well).  I noticed that his head was beginning to feel extremely hot and he was now running a fever.  I knew a cold was brewing.  What I didn't know is that this cold would linger for nearly a week and would make getting sleep very challenging for me.  This weekend he was finally on the mend and we had a relatively good weekend.

My little helper.

Sick little Santa (this hat made him feel better)

Getting ready to go back to school after being home sick
for several days; he made sure he grabbed all his favorite 
things to take with.

All ready Mamma!

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